Presupuestos Participativos para Logroño 2021.
Budget overrun
Your selection has run over the maximum budget for Centro. You must unselect one or more proposals so that you can pick this one.
You have already voted in another area.
You have already voted in Centro. To vote in this area ({1}), first you should remove your votes from Centro.
In the participatory budgets you can only vote one area and the generic areas .
You are not authorized
This participatory budget has restrictions. You need the proper right to perform the action. Contact with the promoter for more details.
Budget overrun
Your selection has run over the maximum budget for Ciudad. You must unselect one or more proposals so that you can pick this one.
You have already voted in another area.
You have already voted in Ciudad. To vote in this area ({1}), first you should remove your votes from Ciudad.
In the participatory budgets you can only vote one area and the generic areas .
You are not authorized
This participatory budget has restrictions. You need the proper right to perform the action. Contact with the promoter for more details.
Budget overrun
Your selection has run over the maximum budget for Este. You must unselect one or more proposals so that you can pick this one.
You have already voted in another area.
You have already voted in Este. To vote in this area ({1}), first you should remove your votes from Este.
In the participatory budgets you can only vote one area and the generic areas .
You are not authorized
This participatory budget has restrictions. You need the proper right to perform the action. Contact with the promoter for more details.
Budget overrun
Your selection has run over the maximum budget for Norte. You must unselect one or more proposals so that you can pick this one.
You have already voted in another area.
You have already voted in Norte. To vote in this area ({1}), first you should remove your votes from Norte.
In the participatory budgets you can only vote one area and the generic areas .
You are not authorized
This participatory budget has restrictions. You need the proper right to perform the action. Contact with the promoter for more details.
Budget overrun
Your selection has run over the maximum budget for Oeste. You must unselect one or more proposals so that you can pick this one.
You have already voted in another area.
You have already voted in Oeste. To vote in this area ({1}), first you should remove your votes from Oeste.
In the participatory budgets you can only vote one area and the generic areas .
You are not authorized
This participatory budget has restrictions. You need the proper right to perform the action. Contact with the promoter for more details.
Budget overrun
Your selection has run over the maximum budget for Sur. You must unselect one or more proposals so that you can pick this one.
You have already voted in another area.
You have already voted in Sur. To vote in this area ({1}), first you should remove your votes from Sur.
In the participatory budgets you can only vote one area and the generic areas .
You are not authorized
This participatory budget has restrictions. You need the proper right to perform the action. Contact with the promoter for more details.
Hey slow down! This is a scheduled campaign
If you keep going, your campaign will be paused and automatically become a draft.